9 Reasons to Appreciate Winter...


Am thinking of the positives of this Winter...yes. there are some good points. First off...it's beautiful here!

1. I just saw Doug's painting "Providence Road Creek" set out in Virginia. It reminds me that some folks - in other parts of the country - are seeing Winter in a way that is unusual, allowing them to have snowy times long enough to capture this season in a fresh new way.

2. The Olympics! While fish shanties continue to make use of the thick ice, winter sports are being followed closely as the Olympics play out in Sochi. Team USA is always on our minds but with the Scandinavian heritage of the Island the longstanding medal performance of Norway makes many proud as well. As I write it seems the Netherlands are leading but I found this article in the Wall Street Journal on Norway & the Winter Olympics interesting.

3.Family Fun! Recently, Joyce and Dutton Morehouse's family descended on the Island for their annual Winter Skate. Using a snowblower, they prepped the ice at the foot of Main Road. The action attracted a few other youngsters/skaters and fun ensued

4. Ice...on the Lakes! According to an analysis by NOAA's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, ice covered 88.4 percent of the Great Lakes on February 13. Not since early 1994 has ice been so widespread on the Great Lakes...Lake Michigan has coverage of about 81%...makes me wonder/hope this will help lake levels this coming summer.

5. The plays the thing! What do we do in the Winter people always ask...one thing is prepare for the Island Players' Winter production and this image says so much! Henrik Ibsen's "The Doll's House" will be presented February 21 & 22 at 7:30pm as well as the 23rd at 2:00pm at the TPAC.

6. Quiet Time - Winter allows time to enjoy a birthday surprise or just read a good book ...perhaps a movie marathon or two.

7. Time to enjoy small things... never hurts to have a bit of another season inside to admire...


and inspire on a cold snowy day...before we know it, these folks will be back readying the gardens for Season 10 at TPAC!

8.Organization: Tidy Up! I must say lots of people are using time this Winter to straighten up...me included. I must admit I am a little jealous of Laura Kolosovsky Findlay's progress...

From Laura comes a great way to organize cleaning supplies..."shoe organizer hanging on the back of the door to the kitchen. Got all the cleaning products out from under the kitchen sink and away from (son) George!"

9. Snow... yes, the snow! While treacherous in some parts of the country, we mustn't forget that children in such places are getting a chance to make snow creatures...this one, comes from a young granddaughter of a North Carolina friend...a rare treat!

As I write, I see it is snowing...again...I wish you patience with this Winter...be safe.

Have a great week!